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TOPIC H - Models and Experiments for FNT
P2A1 - Breeding blanket challenges and needs for technology qualification: ongoing R&D efforts and open fields on relevant nuclear testing data
Salvatore D'Amico
P2A3 - Overview of Fusion Technology Programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Phil Snyder
P2A4 - Measurement of tritium production in the HCPB TBM mock-up at JET during DTE2
Nicola Fonnesu
P2A5 - High-fidelity tritium transport modeling of retention and permeation experiments
Masasi Shimada
P4D1 - Liquid metal MHD research at KIT: fundamental phenomena and flows in complex blanket geometries
Leo Bühler
P4D2 - Overview of MHD facilities, Experiments and Modelling in China
Ming-Jiu Ni
P4D3 - Status and applications of the RSTM tool for coupled CFD-activation fluid simulation
Raul Pampin
P4D5 - The scaling methodology applied for designing HELOKA-US facility, the EU-DEMO HCPB BOP mock-up
Sara Pérez-Martín
P5B1 - Fusion Science and Technology Studies on the Basic Plasma Science Facility
Troy Carter
P5B2 - IFMIF/EVEDA achievements overview
Yann Carin
P5B3 - Post-irradiation analysis of ITER materials following JET DTE2
Lee Packer
P5B4 - TRL analysis of IFMIF-DONES and Overview of the required validation needs
Beatriz Brañas
P5B5 - Fusion neutronics experiments utilizing the intense DT neutron generator of Technical University of Dresden
Axel Klix
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