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TOPIC A - Plasma-Facing High Heat Flux Components
P1B1 - Overview of divertor development programme in EUROfusion
Rudolf Neu
P1B2 - Analysis of full WEST divertor tiles after C4 campaign by TOF ERDA
Iva Bogdanović Radović
P1B3 - A Versatile Divertor for the Italian Divertor Tokamak Test Facility
Selanna Roccella
P1B4 - Design and Analysis of Actively-cooled, Edge-transport Diagnostic for Long-pulsed Operation in WEST
Arnold Lumsdaine
P2B1 - Additive manufacturing techniques for the fabrication of tungsten based plasma-facing components
Alexander V. Müller
P2B2 - Improvements of the Tungsten Guard Limiters of 4.6 GHz Lower Hybrid Wave Antenna of the EAST and its Service Status under Operation
Lei Yin
P2B3 - Divertor cooling technology, fabrication process, and armor materials comparison studies
Michael Rieth
P2B4 - Progress of JA-DEMO Divertor Conceptual Design: Coolant Distribution and Thermal Stress Analysis
Nobuyuki Asakura
P6A1 - Lithium technology readiness as a fusion energy plasma-facing component
David N. Ruzic
P6A2 - Development of a liquid metal divertor solution for DEMO
Thomas Morgan
P6A4 - The Integrated Engineering Design Concept of the Upper Limiter within the EU-DEMO LIMITER System
Maria Lorena Richiusa
P6A5 - Innovative concepts of COMPASS-U tokamak divertor surviving plasma pulses
Jan Horacek
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