Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Local Organising Committee, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15), to be held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, from 10-15 September 2023. The Convention Centre is the iconic Alfredo Kraus Auditorium, located near Las Canteras beach, one of the most privileged areas of the city. The event is organized by the Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), in collaboration with other institutions, and supported by the ISFNT-15 International Standing and International Programme Committees.

The ISFNT is one of the main international events for the nuclear fusion field and offers an outstanding opportunity for the fusion community to meet, discuss new ways to address complex problems, and find advanced solutions in nuclear fusion technologies. Moreover, in this special year when our energy system has acquired a great role worldwide due to the energetic crisis, the energy transition is becoming crucial and it is our duty to focus on the main objective of accelerating electricity production through fusion. The symposium focuses on both near-term and long-term fusion devices and reactor technologies, with special attention to science, engineering, experiments, facilities, modeling, analysis, design, and safety.

After a few years of uncertainty, we can finally recover the spirit of this symposium, where in-person attendance is so necessary. It is time to meet again with our colleagues from all over the world, to have intense technical discussions and discover how fusion-related challenges are addressed by different organizations. At this point, I would like to specially mention and acknowledge our colleagues from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who tried hosting this conference during these last years without success due to the pandemic.

It is a real challenge for us to organize this important conference in record time, but I am sure that, with everyone’s help, it will become really successful. Last but not least, I hope that after the intense working days, you can find time to relax in the capital of this marvellous island.

Please join us to meet and interact with fusion-related researchers, students, decision-makers, and industries in one of the most extraordinary southernmost places in Europe.

I wish you all a successful ISFNT-15 and a pleasant stay in Gran Canaria!

Yours sincerely,

David Rapisarda,
Head of the Fusion Technologies Division, CIEMAT
General Chairman of ISFNT-15


Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Local Organising Committee, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technologies (ISFNT-15), to be held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, from 10-15 September 2023. The Convention Centre is the iconic Alfredo Kraus Auditorium, located near Las Canteras beach, one of the most privileged areas of the city. The event is organized by the Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), in collaboration with other institutions, and supported by the ISFNT-15 International Standing and International Programme Committees.

The ISFNT is one of the main international events for the nuclear fusion field and offers an outstanding opportunity for the fusion community to meet, discuss new ways to address complex problems, and find advanced solutions in nuclear fusion technologies. Moreover, in this special year when our energy system has acquired a great role worldwide due to the energetic crisis, the energy transition is becoming crucial and it is our duty to focus on the main objective of accelerating electricity production through fusion. The symposium focuses on both near-term and long-term fusion devices and reactor technologies, with special attention to science, engineering, experiments, facilities, modeling, analysis, design, and safety.

After a few years of uncertainty, we can finally recover the spirit of this symposium, where in-person attendance is so necessary. It is time to meet again with our colleagues from all over the world, to have intense technical discussions and discover how fusion-related challenges are addressed by different organizations. At this point, I would like to specially mention and acknowledge our colleagues from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who tried hosting this conference during these last years without success due to the pandemic.

It is a real challenge for us to organize this important conference in record time, but I am sure that, with everyone’s help, it will become really successful. Last but not least, I hope that after the intense working days, you can find time to relax in the capital of this marvellous island.

Please join us to meet and interact with fusion-related researchers, students, decision-makers, and industries in one of the most extraordinary southernmost places in Europe.

I wish you all a successful ISFNT-15 and a pleasant stay in Gran Canaria!

Yours sincerely,

David Rapisarda,
Head of the Fusion Technologies Division, CIEMAT
General Chairman of ISFNT-15





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  • Before you submit an abstract or register on the Conference you need to register in the Webpage.
  • Once you are registered, you can log in to access all information and services provided by this web page.
  • Gran Canaria is connected with direct flights with a large number of European citys.
  • Even though the Conference takes place during the low season in Gran Canaria, we recommend you to book your flight as soon as possible in order to get the better fairs.
  • There is a network of direct public buses from the Airport to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
  • Transfer time is 30 minutes. 
  • In case you take this option, and you are staying in Las Canteras Beach area, you need to stop at the Santa Catalina Station. Most hotels are located in a walking distance from that bus station.
  • The same applies to return to the Airport on your departure day.
  • The bus connecting the city with the Airport is number: 60. You can check the departure times on the following link: https://www.guaguasglobal.com/lineas-horarios/linea/?id=60
  • The current price for this service is: 2,95€.
  • If you want to check the buses timetable.
  • In case you prefere to take a taxi, there are many available at the airport.
  • Las Palmas de Gran Canaria offers a large range of hotels, apartments and vacational houses.
  • The Event Venue is located in Las Canteras beach, where there are plenty of all type of accommodations
  • Soon you will also have a list and a booking form of the official Conference Hotels.





ISFNT 15 All Rights Reserved.

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