An Industry Info Day will be organized on Tuesday 12th of September for identifying and showing upcoming requirements and business opportunities in fusion-relevant projects such as ITER, IFMIF-DONES, EUROFusion, DEMO, and other public or private initiatives. There will be specific talks on the most relevant fusion technologies and challenges, such as remote handling, machine assembly, plasma heating systems, and blankets and material technologies. In the second part of the Industry Info Day, information on the most promised private initiatives in magnetic and inertial fusion will be given, exploring new collaborative approaches between industry and research labs acting in the fusion ecosystem. Take a look at the full program below.

A specific Industry Info Day registration fee has been established. You can take advantage of your registration to also attend plenary talks in the morning and the industrial exhibition. It will be a great opportunity to meet the most relevant scientists, engineers, industry representatives, and exhibitors of the fusion community from all around the world.

Join us for this important event! We would be pleased to count on your participation.

Level 0

  1. Sinfónica Hall


  • Welcome Reception

Level -2

2. Atlántico Hall

3. Lanzarote Hall

4. Cámara Hall

5. Gran Canaria Hall

6. Tenerife Hall

7. San Borondón

8. Secretariat- Registration

Level -3

9. San Borondón

Industry and Exhibition Area
08:30 PL 2: Prospects for future fusion reactor developments in Europe, Gianfranco Federici
09:10 PL 3: An overview of the challenges and opportunities of private-sector fusion, Dennis Whyte
09:50 PL 4: ICF current status after ignition on NIF: overview of worlwide initiatives towards an IFE power plant, Alexis Casner
10:30-11:00 SAN BORONDÓN
Coffee Break
11:00-11:15 ATLÁNTICO HALL
- Yolanda Benito (CIEMAT DG)
- Laura Marrero (PROEXCA)
Session Chair: Belén del Cerro (CDTI)
11:15-11:45 Status of the ITER Project, Juan Knaster – IO/F4E
11:45-12:15 ITER main ongoing contracts and forthcoming opportunities and Industrial Policy, Mehdi Daval – IO/F4E
12:15-12:45 EUROFusion Roadmap and industrial involvement, Richard Kamendje - EUROFusion
12:45-13:05 DONES industrial opportunities, Ángel Ibarra - IFMIF-DONES España Consortium
13:05-14:35 Lunch Break
14:35-14:55 Remote handling, Emilio Ruiz Morales– F4E
14:55-15:15 ITER construction and machine assembly, Juan Knaster – IO/F4E
15:15-15:35 Plant heating systems, Muriel Simon - F4E
15:35-15:55 Blankets and material technology, Yves Poitevin - F4E
15:55-16:15 Inertial fusion, Dimitri Batani – HiPER+
16:15-16:45 SAN BORONDÓN
Coffee Break
16:45-17:45 Round table: Private initiatives in fusion
Chair: Sehila González
- Frédérick Bordry (Gauss Fusion)
- Javier Honrubia (Focused Energy)
- Nick Hawker (First Light Fusion)
- Satoshi Konishi (Kyoto Fusioneering)
17:45-18:00 Platinum Sponsor: Frontier Development of science (FDS) fusion program and its Public/Private initiatives
- Yazhou Li (FDS)
18:00-19:00 Round table: New collaborative approaches between industry and research centers in fusion,
Chair: Søren Bang Korsholm
- Richard Kamendje (EUROFusion)
- Maria Teresa Dominguez (FIIF- Fusion Industry Innovation Forum)
- Ángel Ibarra (IFMIF/DONES)
- Juan Knaster (IO/F4E)
- Dario Cruz (FUSENET)
19:00-19:10 BSBF 2024 Trieste - Paolo Acunzo





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