The papers of the ISFNT-15 will be published in a special edition of the International Journal “Fusion Engineering and Design” edited by Elsevier after a peer review.
The entire submission and review process of this journal is handled electronically using the Elsevier Editorial System (EES). For this reason, all the authors of the papers accepted for the ISFNT conference have to do an extra registration to this electronic editorial system that differs from the ISFNT-15 database used for the abstract submission. Of course, only the papers corresponding to the accepted abstracts will be taken into consideration for the publication process.
All papers should be submitted electronically through before 13th october 2023. Authors submit their papers online by simply registering, logging on and submitting.
Papers will appear online as they get accepted, no dedicated volumes will be created. In this way papers will look like ordinarily submitted papers, and the Symposium’s material will be distributed among several volumes, with a logical link in between linking them all to the Symposium.
All correspondence, including notification of the editor’s decision and requests for revisions, is done by e-Mail and via the Author’s homepage, removing the need for hard copy.
The submitted manuscripts have to be written in English, and should bear the name(s) and full affiliation(s) of the author(s) as well as the mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and e-Mail address of the corresponding author.
The length of the contributed paper (poster and oral) is preferably up to 6 journal pages, whereas the length of the invited papers is preferably up to 10 journal pages.
You may use the paper template (in WORD format) to ensure you meet the page limits.
ISFNT 15 All Rights Reserved.
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