Miya-Abdou Award for Outstanding Technical Contributions to the Field of Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology

The Miya-Abdou Award aims to recognize significant contributions to the development of fusion nuclear technology. The ISFNT International Standing Committee encourages colleagues to nominate peers meeting the award criteria. The winning candidate will be rewarded with a monetary income and a certificate.

The International Standing Committee (ISC) of the International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT) has approved the ninth Miya-Abdou Award which will be presented at ISFNT-15 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain on September 10-15, 2023. The deadline for the nominations is 31st May, 2023.

Title of Award

Miya-Abdou Award for Outstanding Technical Contributions to the Field of Nuclear Technology (FNT). The award title is abbreviated as “MA-FNT Award”.

Objective of the Award

The award aims at acknowledging outstanding technical contributions to the field of Fusion Nuclear Technology at a young age. The technical contributions can be in any field that is within the scope of ISFNT. The award is intended for scientists and engineers of age 40 or younger on the first day of the calendar year in which the ISFNT occurs.

Award Prize

The winner of the award will receive $ 5,000 (five thousand) and a certificate plaque briefly citing his/her principal achievements.

When the Award will be given

The Award will be bestowed at every meeting of ISFNT. This solicitation of nomination is for the award to be given in ISFNT-15 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain September 10-15, 2023.

Last Miya-Abdou Award at ISFNT-14

Dr. Takumi Chikada (Shizuoka University) for outstanding achievement in the development of Tritium permeation barriers.

Solicitation for Nomination

The nomination can be made by any individual. The nomination package shall have:

  1. A nomination letter with adequate documentation of the nominee’s technical contributions and accomplishments. The nomination letter must briefly summarize the principal outstanding accomplishments of the nominee. The nomination must certify that the nominee is at age 40 or younger on the first day of the calendar year in which the ISFNT occurs (for the ISFNT-15, this will be on January 1st, 2022 in order to compensate its one-year postponement).
  2. Three (or more) letters from other scientists supporting the nomination.

Transmittal of Nomination Package

All nomination packages must be submitted electronically via e-mail to Dr. Alice Ying email: ying@fusion.ucla.edu.


The deadline for receiving nomination packages is 31st May, 2023.

On behalf of the “MA-FNT Award” Committee, I would like to encourage you to nominate qualified, outstanding young FNT scientists/ researchers/ engineers.

Best regards,

Alice Ying      

Chair MA-FNT Award Committee for 2023 ISFNT-15






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