Level 0
Level -2
2. Atlántico Hall
3. Lanzarote Hall
4. Cámara Hall
5. Gran Canaria Hall
6. Tenerife Hall
7. San Borondón
8. Secretariat- Registration
Level -3
9. San Borondón
08:00 |
TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT Registration Monday's registration starts at 7.30 am |
08:30-10:30 |
Opening (09.00h) Keynote 1 |
Plenary 2 Plenary 3 Plenary 4 |
Plenary 5 Plenary 6 Plenary 7 |
Plenary 8 Plenary 9 Plenary 10 |
Keynote 4 Plenary 11 Plenary 12 |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break | |||||
11:00-12:50 |
Keynote 2 Keynote 3 Plenary 1 |
Parallel Sessions | Industry Info Day | Round Table | Parallel Sessions | Poster Session 4 |
Parallel Sessions |
Plenary 13 Plenary 14 |
12:50-14:10 |
Lunch Break | Parallel Sessions | Lunch Break | CLOSURE (13.25h) | ||
14:10-16:15 |
Parallel Sessions | Parallel Sessions | Industry Info Day | Lunch Break | Parallel Sessions | |
16:15-16:45 |
Coffee Break | SOCIAL TOURS | Coffee Break | |||
16:15-18:15 | Poster Session 1 | Poster Session 2 | Industry Info Day | Poster Session 3 | |||
16:15-19:10 | |||||||
18:30-19:00 |
Welcome Concert | |||||
19:00-20:30 |
Welcome Reception | |||||
20:00-00:00 | Gala Dinner | ||||||
07:30 |
SAN BORONDÓN Industry and Exhibition Area |
09:00 | Opening | |||||
09:30 | KN 1: The ITER Project: progress amid challenges, Juan Knaster | |||||
10:15-10:45 |
SAN BORONDÓN Coffee Break |
10:45 | KN 2: Recent progress and plans for fusion program in China, Yuntao Song | |||||
11:30 | KN 3: Recent progress and plans for Korea's fusion program, Suk Yae Yoo | |||||
12:15 | PL 1: Key technological aspects of recent DT operations at JET, Rosaria Villari | |||||
12:55-14:10 | Lunch Break | |||||
14:10-16:15 |
SINFÓNICA HALL P1A Blanket Technology I |
CÁMARA HALL P1B Plasma-facing Components I |
GRAN CANARIA HALL P1C Burning Plasma Operation & Control |
TENERIFE HALL P1D Inertial Confinement I |
14:10-14:35 |
P1A1: Guangming Zhou Overview of the design activities of the EU DEMO Helium Cooled Pebble Bed breeding blanket |
P1B1: Rudolf Neu Overview of divertor development programme in EUROfusion |
P1C1: Wolfgang Biel Development of the DEMO plasma diagnostic and control system |
P1D1: Dimitri Batani Hydrodynamics experiments on the shock ignition approach to direct-drive inertial fusion |
14:35-15:00 |
P1A2: Iole Palermo Accelerating stellarator reactor engineering: design and integration of the Dual Coolant Lithium Lead Breeding Blanket for HELIAS |
P1B2: Iva Bogdanović Radović Analysis of full WEST divertor tiles after C4 campaign by TOF ERDA |
P1C2: Christina Weiss Fusion Neutron Diagnostics with CVD Diamond Detectors |
P1D2: Javier Honrubia Integrated simulations of ion fast ignition of inertial fusion targets | ||
15:00-15:25 |
P1A3: Thomas R. Barrett Preparing for the First Integrated Test of a Fusion Breeding Blanket Prototype in the CHIMERA Facility |
P1B3: Selanna Roccella A Versatile Divertor for the Italian Divertor Tokamak Test Facility |
P1C3: Xiang Gao Development of Hybrid Operational Scenario on CFETR and EAST Tokamak |
P1D3: Roberto Mancini Determining the spatial structure of inertial fusion energy plasmas |
15:25-15:50 |
P1A4: Anoop Retheesh Structural Integrity Assessment of the Central Outboard Segment of the EU DEMO HCPB Breeding Blanket |
P1B4: Arnold Lumsdaine Design and Analysis of Actively-cooled, Edge-transport Diagnostic for Long-pulsed Operation in WEST |
P1C4: Søren Bang Korsholm Feasibility of a Collective Thomson Scattering diagnostic for burning plasma control on DEMO |
P1D4: Michael Tatarakis The HiPER+ Initiative for Inertial Fusion Energy studies |
15:50-16:15 |
P1A5: Kecheng Jiang Development of the high temperature PbLi experimental loop for CFETR |
P1B5: Shijun Qin Study on the reliability and fatigue life prediction of hypervapotron under electromagnetic-thermal coupling condition |
P1C5: Filipe Da Silva An overview of the evolution of the modelling of reflectometry diagnostics in fusion plasmas using finite-difference time-domain codes |
P1D5: Mathieu Bailly-Grandvaux Time-resolved spectroscopy of proton-heated targets relevant to proton fast ignition |
16:15-16:45 |
SAN BORONDÓN Coffee Break |
16:15-18:15 | Poster Session 1 | |||||
18:30-19:00 |
SINFÓNICA HALL Welcome Concert |
19:00-20:30 |
TERRAZA CANTERAS Welcome Reception |
08:00 |
SAN BORONDÓN Industry and Exhibition Area |
08:30 | PL 2: DEMO-Related Design Activities in Europe, Gianfranco Federici | |||||
09:10 | PL 3: An overview of the challenges and opportunities of private-sector fusion, Dennis Whyte | |||||
09:50 | PL 4: ICF current status after ignition on NIF: overview of worlwide initiatives towards an IFE power plant, Alexis Casner | |||||
10:30-11:00 |
SAN BORONDÓN Coffee Break |
11:00-13:05 |
SINFÓNICA HALL P2A Models & Experiments I |
CÁMARA HALL P2B Plasma-facing Components II |
TENERIFE HALL P2D Fuel Cycle & Tritium I |
11:00-11:25 |
P2A1: Salvatore D'Amico Breeding blanket challenges and needs for technology qualification: ongoing R&D efforts and open fields on relevant nuclear testing data |
P2B1: Alexander V. Müller Additive manufacturing techniques for the fabrication of tungsten based plasma-facing components |
P2C1: Yican Wu Studies on Fusion Nuclear Technology, Materials and Safety at FDS |
P2D1: Barry Buttler Tritium related challenges to be overcome in order to deliver fusion power plants |
11:25-11:50 |
P2A2: Alessandro Spagnuolo Needs and options for qualifying fusion nuclear technologies |
P2B2: Lei Yin Improvements of the Tungsten Guard Limiters of 4.6 GHz Lower Hybrid Wave Antenna of the EAST and its Service Status under Operation |
P2C2: Sandrine Rosanvallon Waste management strategy for EU DEMO: status, challenges and perspectives |
P2D2: Huaqin Kou Construction and Technological Test of Storage and Delivery Demo-system (SDS) for Deuterium-tritium Internal Fuel Circulation in Tritium Plant |
11:50-12:15 |
P2A3: Phil Snyder Overview of Fusion Technology Programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
P2B3: Michael Rieth Divertor cooling technology, fabrication process, and armor materials comparison studies |
P2C3: Yazhou Li Lessons Learned from the Public Acceptance of Fission Reactor in China for Fusion Energy Development |
P2D3: Walter Shmayda Tritium infrastructure to support an Accelerator-based DT Neutron Generator |
12:15-12:40 |
P2A4: Nicola Fonnesu Measurement of tritium production in the HCPB TBM mock-up at JET during DTE2 |
P2B4: Nobuyuki Asakura Progress of JA-DEMO Divertor Conceptual Design: Coolant Distribution and Thermal Stress Analysis |
P2C4: Rafael Juárez Nuclear Integrated Engineering approach to enhance nuclear integration following ALARA principle in ITER project |
P2D4: Sojeong Yang Regression models for generating thermodynamic and transport properties of all phases of hydrogen isotopologues |
12:40-13:05 |
P2A5: Masashi Shimada High-fidelity tritium transport modeling of retention and permeation experiments |
P2B5: Samir Khirwadkar Plasma Facing Component technologies and test facilities developments in India |
P2C5: Shichao Zhang Experimental Investigation on Tungsten Dust Explosion Behavior for Fusion Reactor |
P2D5: Elina Pajuste Graphene-based electrochemical system for radioactive hydrogen isotope enrichment |
13:05-14:10 | Lunch Break | |||||
14:10-16:15 |
SINFÓNICA HALL P3A Blanket Technology II |
CÁMARA HALL P3B Nuclear System Design I |
GRAN CANARIA HALL P3C Material Technology I |
TENERIFE HALL P3D Repair & Maintenance I |
14:10-14:35 |
P3A1: Yoshinori Kawamura Overview of Progress on Water Cooled Ceramic Breeder Blanket in Japan |
P3B1: Silvano Tosti A feasibility analysis of D-based fusion reactions based on classical thermodynamics |
P3C1: Takashi Nozawa RAFM materials database, model data inputs and future developments toward DEMO |
P3D1: Oliver Crofts Overview of progress towards more maintainable architectures for fusion devices |
14:35-15:00 |
P3A2: Francisco Hernández Alternative water-cooled breeding blanket concepts for the EU DEMO: Overview on studies and perspectives |
P3B2: P.N. Maya Physics and Engineering Considerations for Compact Fusion Pilot Plants |
P3C2: Tonči Tadić Croatian contribution to the development of fusion materials technology |
P3D2: Hongtao Pan Breeding Blanket Remote Handling System for CFETR and EU-DEMO |
15:00-15:25 |
P3A3: Jae-Hwan Kim Deuterium retention properties of beryllium intermetallic compounds |
P3B3: Dieter Leichtle Radiological protection design considerations for DEMO |
P3C3: Elisabetta Carella Coatings: challenges of Tritium Permeation Barriers in fusion reactors context |
P3D3: Sam Herschmann Application of optimal control in remote maintenance of tokamak breeding blankets |
15:25-15:50 |
P3A4: Christine Klein Challenges of the High Heat Flux loaded Helium Cooled First Wall, Contributions of Numerical Flow Simulations |
P3B4: Felix Warmer European Efforts and Advances in Stellarator Power Plant Studies |
P3C4: Bruce Pint Compatibility assessments for fusion applications: Sn, Li, Pb-Li and FliBe |
P3D4: Manoah Stephen Manuelraj In-Vessel Inspection System: Development and Testing activities of high vacuum and temperature technologies for Fusion Remote Handling |
15:50-16:15 |
P3A5: James Dark Multiphysics tritium transport modelling in WCLL breeding blankets: Influence of MHD effects and neutron damage |
P3B5: Yuefeng Qiu Overview of recent advancements in IFMIF-DONES neutronics activities |
P3C5: Andrey Litnovsky SMART materials for DEMO: towards industrial production |
P3D5: Van Dung Truong Balanced-risk analysis in the engineering design of complex systems with extreme conditions |
16:15-16:45 |
SAN BORONDÓN Coffee Break |
16:15-18:15 | Poster Session 2 | INDUSTRY INFO DAY | ||||
08:00 |
SAN BORONDÓN Industry and Exhibition Area |
08:30 | PL 5: Overview of Broader Approach activities, Hervé Dzitko | |||||
09:10 | PL 6: Key features of KSTAR's new tungsten divertor, Woong Chae Kim | |||||
09:50 | PL 7: Progress of Research and Development activities toward Fusion DEMO Reactor in QST in Japan, Takumi Hayashi | |||||
10:30-11:00 |
SAN BORONDÓN Coffee Break |
11:00-12:30 | Round table: How to accelerate fusion development | |||||
12:30-14:35 |
SINFÓNICA HALL P4A Blanket Technology III |
CÁMARA HALL P4B Fuel Cycle & Tritium II |
GRAN CANARIA HALL P4C Inertial Confinement II |
TENERIFE HALL P4D Models & Experiments II |
LANZAROTE HALL P4E Fusion-Fission |
12:30-12:55 |
P4A1: Mu-Young Ahn Plan on Breeding Blanket Test Facility for DEMO in Korea |
P4B1: Colin Baus UNITY: The integrated testing facility for commercial breeder blankets and tritium fuel cycle |
P4C1: Antonio Roberto Piriz Asymmetric growth of peak and valleys in the linear phase of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in solid media |
P4D1: Leo Bühler Liquid metal MHD research at KIT: fundamental phenomena and flows in complex blanket geometries |
P4E1: Minghuang Wang Fusion Fission Hybrid as a Synergistic Step between Fission and Fusion Energy Development |
12:55-13:20 |
P4A2: Sergey Smolentsey Perspectives of a DCLL blanket for a future strong magnetic field fusion device |
P4B2: Victoria Hypes-Mayfield A quantitative case for direct internal recycle of deuterium and tritium |
P4C2: Michael Tobin Xcimer Energy Aspen-HYLIFE3 Inertial Fusion Power Plant Concept |
P4D2: Ming-Jiu Ni Overview of MHD facilities, Experiments and Modelling in China |
P4E2: Volodymyr Moiseyenko Selected fuel cycles for stellarator-mirror fusion-fission hybrid |
13:20-13:45 |
P4A3: Lei Chen Progress in the Conceptual Design of the Supercritical CO2 Cooled Lithium-Lead Blanket and the Power Conversion System for CFETR |
P4B3: Peter Lang Admixed pellets for fast and efficient delivery of plasma enhancement gases: investigations at AUG exploring the option for EU-DEMO |
P4C3: João Jorge Santos Experimental studies of extended-MHD effects and confinement properties of magnetized cylindrical implosions |
P4D3: Raul Pampin Status and applications of the RSTM tool for coupled CFD-activation fluid simulation |
P4E3: Danas Ridikas IAEA Activities in Support of Nuclear Fusion Research and Technology Development |
13:45-14:10 |
P4A4: Jarir Aktaa Embrittlement of WCLL Blanket and Its Fracture Mechanical Assessment |
P4B4: Lei Yang Process simulation of Tritium Extraction System in CN HCCB TBS |
P4C4: Antonio Rivera Developments on inertial confinement power plants based on dry wall chambers for direct drive targets: bottlenecks and solutions |
P4D4: Qi Yang Development of HINEG Series High Intensity Steady Neutron Generators |
P4E4: Massimo Zucchetti A study of compact tokamak hybrid reactors |
14:10-14:35 |
P4A5: Eduardo Rodríguez An integral methodological framework for the thermo-mechanical analysis and structural integrity assessment of the European TBM Sets |
P4B5: Jiangfeng Song Research progress of tritium related system in CN HCCB TBS |
P4C5: Giancarlo Gatti The CLPU: a high repetition rate, high-intensity laser facility for ICF preparatory studies |
P4D5: Sara Pérez-Martín The scaling methodology applied for designing HELOKA-US facility, the EU-DEMO HCPB BOP mock-up |
P4E5: Marine Huault Laser-driven proton-boron reaction for alpha particles and radioisotopes production |
14:35-16:00 | Lunch Break | |||||
16:00-21:00 | SOCIAL TOURS | |||||
08:00 |
SAN BORONDÓN Industry and Exhibition Area |
08:30 | PL 8: Safety approach for future fusion power plant, Joëlle Elbez-Uzan | |||||
09:10 | PL 9: The role of the DTT facility for the development of high heat flux tokamak components, Gian Mario Polli | |||||
09:50 | PL 10: Overview of IFMIF-DONES: an irradiation facility relevant for fusion materials, Ángel Ibarra | |||||
10:30-11:00 |
SAN BORONDÓN Coffee Break |
11:00-13:05 |
SINFÓNICA HALL P5A Blanket Technology IV |
CÁMARA HALL P5B Models & Experiments III |
GRAN CANARIA HALL P5C Material Technology II |
11:00-11:25 |
P5A1: Xiaoyu Wang Progress on Blanket Technology Development in China |
P5B1: Troy Carter Fusion Science and Technology Studies on the Basic Plasma Science Facility |
P5C1: Pattrick Calderoni Exploit existing Material Test Reactors to support the aggressive timeline for deployment of commercial fusion power |
P5D1: Mark Gilbert Fusion waste requirements for tritium control: perspectives and current research |
11:25-11:50 |
P5A2: Shen Qu Study on the tritium breeding characteristic of solid blankets of fusion reactors |
P5B2: Yann Carin IFMIF/EVEDA achievements overview |
P5C2: Yuki Edao Selective adsorption properties of layered titanate for tritiated water |
P5D2: Oliver Gastaldi Overview of French R&D studies for the development of tritium confining packages |
11:50-12:15 |
P5A3: Takumi Chikada Electrical properties of ceramic coatings after heavy-ion irradiation and lithium implantation |
P5B3: Lee Packer Post-irradiation analysis of ITER materials following JET DTE2 |
P5C3: María González Towards the down-selection of ceramic materials for the European High Temperature DCLL BB concept based on Single Module Segments (SMS) |
P5D3: Haixa Wang Numerical Simulation of Tritium Behavior under Transient Conditions for CFETR |
12:15-12:40 |
P5A4: Junichi Miyazawa A Liquid Metal Blanket Concept with the First Wall Covered by the Liquid Metal Surface Flow for the Helical Fusion Reactor HESTIA |
P5B4: Beatriz Brañas TRL analysis of IFMIF-DONES and Overview of the required validation needs |
P5C4: Changheui Jang Effect of recrystallization on fatigue crack growth characteristics of a pure tungsten |
P5D4: Alberto Previti Parametric assessment of the Activated Corrosion Products on the ITER Water Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket System |
12:40-13:05 | P5A5: Xingfu Ye Design and construction of a helium cooling experimental loop for tritium blanket |
P5B5: Axel Klix Fusion neutronics experiments utilizing the intense DT neutron generator of Technical University of Dresden |
P5C5: Adriano Pepato Additive Manufacturing of copper alloys and refractory metals for the DTT project |
P5D5: Olivier David CHICADE nuclear facility: a collaborative technological platform, dedicated to the expertise and characterisation of nuclear wastes |
13:05-14:10 | Lunch Break | |||||
14:10-16:15 |
SINFÓNICA HALL P6A Plasma-facing Components III |
CÁMARA HALL P6B Fuel Cycle & Tritium III |
GRAN CANARIA HALL P6C Nuclear System Design II |
TENERIFE HALL P6D Vacuum vessel & exvessel systems |
14:10-14:35 |
P6A1: David N. Ruzic Lithium technology readiness as a fusion energy plasma-facing component |
P6B1: Italo Ricapito Tritium Transport Modelling: Current status, open points and perspectives |
P6C1: Christian Bachmann Relevance of a high magnetic field to the design of the EU DEMO |
P6D1: Masaki Osakabe Fusion Engineering Aspects of LHD Deuterium Experiment |
14:35-15:00 |
P6A2: Thomas Morgan Development of a liquid metal divertor solution for DEMO |
P6B2: Lei Yue Study on the processing of highly tritiated water by the two-stage palladium membrane reactors |
P6C2: Igor Lengar Characterisation of the neutron field for streaming analyses in TT operations at JET |
P6D2: Christian Day Design of the DTT divertor cryopumps |
15:00-15:25 |
P6A3: Minami Yoda Estimation of the Thermal-Fluid and Thermal-Structural Performance of Helium-Cooled Modular Finger-Type Divertors |
P6B3: Lucas Angelette Halogen Removal from Tritium Gas Streams |
P6C3: Yang Yang Mock-up for the double door of CFETR & EU-DEMO maintenance casks for vertical ports: design & manufacturing progress |
P6D3: Celia Gómez Radiofrequency electromagnetic analysis in the engineering of ITER Electron Cyclotron Heating Upper Launcher |
15:25-15:50 |
P6A4: Maria Lorena Richiusa The Integrated Engineering Design Concept of the Upper Limiter within the EU-DEMO LIMITER System |
P6B4: Yeong Woo Son Development of a Steady-state Simulation Program considering Energy Balance for Water Detritiation System |
P6C4: Takeo Nishitani Yield Estimation of Neutrons, Gammas, and Charged Particles in d-Li Target by using JENDL/DEU-2020 for IFMIF and Similar Irradiation Facilities |
P6D4: Chengzhi Cao Commissioning and initial operation of HL-2M vacuum system |
15:50-16:15 |
P6A5: Jan Horacek Innovative concepts of COMPASS-U tokamak divertor surviving plasma pulses |
P6B5: Jonas Caspar Schwenzer Tritium inventory evolution modelling for demonstration and future fusion power plants |
P6C5: Carlos Ortiz Ferrer The Lead Lithium Loop for the European Water Cooled Test Blanket System (WCLL-TBS) |
P6D5: Rosa Difonzo Assessment of the stability of an optimized cooling configuration of Gyrotron resonant cavity for nuclear fusion machines through an analytical and numerical model |
16:15-16:45 |
SAN BORONDÓN Coffee Break |
16:15-18:15 | Poster Session 3 | |||||
20:00 |
GALA DINNER Bus departure time: 20.00h. from Parque Santa Catalina |
SAN BORONDÓN Industry and Exhibition Area |
08:30 | KN 4: Recent Progress and Plans in the EUROfusion Program, Ambrogio Fasoli | |||||
09:15 | PL 11: Status of the ITER TBM Program and overview of its technical objectives, Luciano Giancarli | |||||
09:55 | PL 12: Key technology developments for high performance Steady-State tokamak Fusion Reactor in China, Jiangang Li | |||||
10:35-11:05 |
SAN BORONDÓN Coffee Break |
10:35-12:05 | Poster Session 4 | |||||
12:05 | PL 13: Status of desing considerations of the US Fusion Prototypic Neutron Source, Jaime Marian | |||||
12:45 | PL 14: Private Public Partnership for Early Commercialization and Innovative Fusion Nuclear Technology, Satoshi Konishi | |||||
13:25-14:00 | CLOSURE | |||||
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