An Industry Info Day will be organized on Tuesday 12th of September within the framework of the 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15), for identifying and showing upcoming requirements and business opportunities in fusion-relevant projects such as ITER, IFMIF-DONES, EUROFusion, DEMO, and other public or private initiatives. There will be specific talks on the most relevant fusion technologies and challenges, such as remote handling, machine assembly, plasma heating systems, and blankets and material technologies. In the second part of the Industry Info Day, information on the most promised private initiatives in magnetic and inertial fusion will be given, exploring new collaborative approaches between industry and research labs acting in the fusion ecosystem.
As you are already registered, you are entitled to access all the specific programme of the Industry Info Day, but we need to have your Confirmation of Attendance. We really appreciate if you complete the short form you will find below confirming your attendance.
Should you need to check the Programme again, please follow this link:
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